PyCon Uk 15
Merging the worlds of coding, data analysis, and research

We’re back from a very exciting PyCon Uk 15 and we would like to tell you all about it.
The conference took place at the TechnoCentre, the innovative technology and research centre at Coventry University’s Technology Park.There were three days full of inspiring talks, interesting people and fun moments, in which we were able to trade thoughts and ideas within the Community. This PyCon Uk edition usefully merged the world of coding with data analysis and research, exploring interesting connections among subjects and languages.
One of the most interesting speeches we attended was given by Vince Knight, a mathematician from Cardiff University. With a powerful and effective speech, he spoke passionately about the importance of collaboration on research and development projects. We had already seen him, but just couldn’t miss another chance to hear him speak! The Tit for Tat strategy is an efficient method for solving the Game Theory, and Knight used it to demonstrate how powerful collaboration can be for research and developing projects.
Video: Tit for Tat, Evolution, Game Theory and the Python Axelrod Library
When we choose a talk to follow, of course we consider the content, but we also think a lot about who the speaker is. Larry Hastin is one of our all-time favourites! He was one of the first contributors to Python language, and his speech, called ‘Python's Infamous GIL’ was about some of the hardest bugs to work out in terms of language. The content was really complex stuff, but he was outstanding and explained everything in simple, clear words. He earned his place, once again, on our top favourites list.
Video: Python’s Infamous GIL
Maybe we are overstating it, but the myth of the Italian soul seems to live on in Daniele Procida’s talks. He is continually invited to these big tech events because he contributes an important depth to the activities with his impassioned speeches about the power of relationships within the open source community. As always, it was inspirational to hear him.
Video: All I really want is power
‘Landing on a comet: From planning to reality’ was both hilarious and intelligent. Dr Simon Sherindan, Research Scientist at the European Space Agency recounts with humor and savvy all the unexpected results of what can happen while you’re trying to land on a comet.
Video: Landing on a comet: From planning to reality
We also took part in the Pylint Sprint session and we helped Claudiu Popa fix some bugs in the Pylint Library. It was a real pleasure for us to meet Claudiu and collaborate with the community on this project.
PyCon Uk is just one of the first meetings we are planning on attending. Evonove’s team is racking up some exciting experiences in Berlin as well, but that will be another story!