DjangoCon Europe 2013 Wrap-Up
And now for something completely different! A look back at an innovative and creative conference.

Seriously, a circus? That perfectly fits the quote "And now for something completely different!" We just got back from the latest DjangoCon Europe - I usually write a sort of log of the conferences we attend- this time it'll be just a matter of thanks.

Thanks to the organizers, they possibly delivered the craziest tech conference I have ever attended. Thanks for the food, I much appreciated the veg option (I arrived in Warsaw prepared to starve, likely I gained weight).

Thanks for the free, cold beverages constantly available for the attendees. Thanks for the free beer (don't now if and when it'll happen again...). Thanks for the free ice cream constantly available during the conference. Thanks for the goodies (hammocks, blankets, cushions, deck chairs and so on...). Thanks for bringing me to Warsaw: nice people, nice places, good food - it was totally worth it, even for a short weekend. Thanks to the speakers, some of them were very inspiring and the amount of lighting talk was ridiculous! Thanks to Emanuele who arranged a very fun (and informative!) lighting talk in just a few hours.

And thanks to the weather, really don't know what would have happened if it had rained :-).