DroidCon 2014, all aboard!
DroidCon arrives in Turin.. 2 days fully dedicated to Android.

After Amsterdam, Bangalore, Berlin, Brussels, London, Murcia and Tunis, the Droidcon has finally arrived in Italy. This year, at Turin, there will be two days of talks, workshops, showcases and even a Hackathon- dedicated to one of the most widespread operating systems in the world, Android.
At Droidcon, you can see Android in action in just about every field of its application: mobile devices, of course, but also TV, cars, gaming and embedded systems. This time we are just covering the latter. With a Udoo board attached to a custom motorized rover, Emanuele is going to show off Android's potential, pushing it beyond the comfort of mobile devices with his talk ‘Release the Kraken’. The Internet of Things continues to gain momentum and popularity these days; people want to get their hands dirty with bare metal, and the media has grasped the potential of the makers’ revolution. All this is laid out in this article that appeared in one of the most authoritative business newspapers in Italy (only available in Italian). You can learn more on Emanuele's adventure at Droidcon in this interview (again, only in Italian) published in the e-magazine Techmate.